First week-end to base!!!!!! :)

good evening guys,

After an amazing time-brake in Greece, I ought to return to my university. This is the first week-end in lovely Montpelier and I feel a little tired yet!!!! :) This Christmas holidays was really amazing with my family and my girlfriend. Unique moments at some pubs and a really amazing celebration for Thessaloniki Youth capital. But these is not all! The return was a really new travel. A train travel. The railroad from Milan to Geneve  and from Geneve to Montpelier give me the occasion to watch an amazing part of Switzerland.  

Generally the best travels in my life was with trains and from the windows I saw some of the most beautiful images in my life. Now I am little anxious because I must and read some articles and books for the next stop exams to Paul Valery.....

so for these period, so every night listen one station Rock and Work fm. 


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