For several
decades, Scandinavian literature and civilization was not well known in other
European countries. More particularly, it is well known that until 1960, the
majority of Europeans recognize Scandinavia as a huge land with a few people
and agricultural life. Only a few exceptions like Eric Ibsen, strimberg, Grieg,
Andersen were recognized as real Scandinavian spirit. Nowadays, a new
beginning, which focuses on establishing of Scandinavian artistic life in other
European countries, has arrived. According to Dr. Stefen Kristiansen, professor
at Danish literature at the University of Paris Sorbonne IV, this influence was
started during Viking’s attacks in England and in north France. As a
consequence of this attack, the kingdom of Denmark, which is the first kingdom
of Danish Vikings, was founded. By examining this historical important case, it
is obvious that nowadays the Scandinavian influence in this area is confirmed
by literature, language, music and tradition. In addition, the north European
culture was indicated by the name Normandy which means in Norwegian the land of
north men. Researchers assumed that generally, Normandy is recognized as that
key source in order to testify and discover the influence between Scandinavia
and France. More specifically, in recent years, several analyses of languages
have indicated that the pronunciation of French in Normandy is as heavy as
Norwegian, Swedish and Danish accent. In addition, professors assumed that
apart from the traditional language in Normandy, has a lot of similarities with
Bokmål and Nynorsk which are languages spoken in Norway and in Denmark. From
1991, it is obvious that this influence is extended due to the creation of
European Union. Researchers assumed that the fact that European Union is considered
as one country, the influence between European nations has begun a real current
phenomenon. As a result of this phenomenon, this influence has been modified
because she is composed by lot points of view. As a conclusion, this essay
attempts to testify which are the differences between French and Scandinavian habitudes
and at the same time which is the influence between the two European
By Adamante Stefane
Institution: University Paul Valery III of Montpellier
Advisors: Kristiansen
Degree: PH.D in European languages and civilization
Year 2013